Beyond Words

If I needed a title for my check-in, I would call it, The Beyond Words Article. Why is that you may ask, well most of my consciounsness work lately is rediscovering how the wonderful and powerful experiences I learned in my spiritual life, are even more influential as I express them through my personal approach in community relationship, work and self. One way this has shown up is through my Conscious Questing work. This is where I spend up to three days of one-on-one time with a client in a nature setting. To catch a person’s life story, navigate through the stuck spots and soften the human heart, is for me, creativity at its finest. I have discovered that using the attunement current consistenly over the three days, has done wonders at bringing clients out of their heads and back to their softer nature, where prospective peace and joy are present and welcoming.

Consistently people are reconnecting with their voice within, so long ago abandoned. It doesn’t stop there. Next I have the client look out over their life from this new found place. Releasing the past, accepting the present, and seeding the future with how they want to feel when they get there, helps keep their smile, and inspiration in living.

This is how I live my life, and I love drawing the best out of every person I meet to do the same. This is how I play my part in creating Conscious Community one person at a time. Knowing there are now thousands living in the same resonance of attunement brings me relief.

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